Tuesday, August 31, 2010
1:29 PM
Brought to you by:
I know, I know... I am WAY behind. I'll knock out three of these, and then try to catch up a bit. Fair warning though, I am going to be away this weekend, so there will be no Friday, Saturday, or Sunday postings.
Music Meme, Day 12: A song that makes you want to have sex.
Led Zeppelin • [Stairway to Heaven]
I honestly am having a hard time thinking of a song that "makes me want to have sex", I mean, I can honestly be ready at a MOMENTS NOTICE. (Yah, it's been a while, for sure).
BUT - for my *first time* ... Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven played on the radio. Funny how one is not likely to forget something such as that.
For fun, I am posting a version done by the Foo Fighters instead of the original. Apparently, Dave Grohl has no idea what the lyrics are, and I think he is chewing gum during this performance [?], but it is entertaining, nonetheless.
Foo Fighters • Cover of Stairway to Heaven
Related, in a way-- and I think pretty funny...
Matthew Wilder • [Break My Stride]
While I do not want to have sex when I hear this song, I THINK about sex when I hear it. That is because a guy I used to know told me that he thinks about sex every time he hears it. I think he said that this occurred because it once played while he was having sex, I cannot remember the details of his story (Thank God).
But when I hear it, I have to suppress any images or thoughts of him, pumping away, with his big belly most likely in the way. Why he decided to share this detail of his life with me, I will never really know.
* ~ I ~ * ~ | ~ * ~ I ~ * ~ | ~ *
Music Meme, Day 13: A song you sing in the shower.
Lifehouse • [Broken]
This varies on a daily basis. I guess it depends on what has played (recently) from my iPod App on my iPhone. This morning, it was Crazy Little Thing Called Love - (Stray Cats). A few days ago, it was Broken - by Lifehouse... and some time before that it was Far Behind - by Candlebox.
* ~ I ~ * ~ | ~ * ~ I ~ * ~ | ~ *
Music Meme, Day 14: A song from the year you were born.
The Foundations • [Build Me Up, Buttercup]
I picked this one just because it was the first one that came to mind. There were a lot of songs in 1969. At least just about everyone knows this one!
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Music Meme, Day 12: A song that makes you want to have sex.
Led Zeppelin • [Stairway to Heaven]
I honestly am having a hard time thinking of a song that "makes me want to have sex", I mean, I can honestly be ready at a MOMENTS NOTICE. (Yah, it's been a while, for sure).
BUT - for my *first time* ... Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven played on the radio. Funny how one is not likely to forget something such as that.
For fun, I am posting a version done by the Foo Fighters instead of the original. Apparently, Dave Grohl has no idea what the lyrics are, and I think he is chewing gum during this performance [?], but it is entertaining, nonetheless.
Foo Fighters • Cover of Stairway to Heaven
Related, in a way-- and I think pretty funny...
Matthew Wilder • [Break My Stride]
While I do not want to have sex when I hear this song, I THINK about sex when I hear it. That is because a guy I used to know told me that he thinks about sex every time he hears it. I think he said that this occurred because it once played while he was having sex, I cannot remember the details of his story (Thank God).
But when I hear it, I have to suppress any images or thoughts of him, pumping away, with his big belly most likely in the way. Why he decided to share this detail of his life with me, I will never really know.
Music Meme, Day 13: A song you sing in the shower.
Lifehouse • [Broken]
This varies on a daily basis. I guess it depends on what has played (recently) from my iPod App on my iPhone. This morning, it was Crazy Little Thing Called Love - (Stray Cats). A few days ago, it was Broken - by Lifehouse... and some time before that it was Far Behind - by Candlebox.
Music Meme, Day 14: A song from the year you were born.
The Foundations • [Build Me Up, Buttercup]
I picked this one just because it was the first one that came to mind. There were a lot of songs in 1969. At least just about everyone knows this one!
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Thursday, August 26, 2010
10:19 AM
Brought to you by:
Again, for some reason, yesterday I guess I forgot to do this. But, these two go hand-in-hand.
Music Meme, Day 11: A song that reminds you of your mother.
My mom LOVES Neil Diamond. This is her favorite song.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Music Meme, Day 10: A song that reminds you of your father.
This song reminds me of my Stepfather, (who raised me). He loved this song.
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Music Meme, Day 11: A song that reminds you of your mother.
Neil Diamond
• [I am, I Said]My mom LOVES Neil Diamond. This is her favorite song.
Music Meme, Day 10: A song that reminds you of your father.
Cat Stevens
• [Father and Son]This song reminds me of my Stepfather, (who raised me). He loved this song.
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
9:14 PM
Brought to you by:
Music Meme, Day 9: A song that reminds you of an ex.
Chicago • [Hard Habit to Break]
For this one, I selected a song from the 80s for my "first girlfriend". This was a two-week relationship in the 9th grade, during which we would walk the halls from one class to the next holding hands, and talked on the phone every night. She would pass me a note between classes (at least one per day), all folded up with a little pull-tab with which to open it.
* * * I am sorry this one is late * * *
Music Meme, Day 8: One band/singer whose popularity you will never understand.
Limp Bizkit • [Band Website] I know, some of you LIKE THEM... and that is OK, but this is not your weblog. I have heard ONE song by this group that I actually like, and right now I can't really recall which one it is. :) I'll come back and add the name of it when I do.
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Chicago • [Hard Habit to Break]
For this one, I selected a song from the 80s for my "first girlfriend". This was a two-week relationship in the 9th grade, during which we would walk the halls from one class to the next holding hands, and talked on the phone every night. She would pass me a note between classes (at least one per day), all folded up with a little pull-tab with which to open it.
* * * I am sorry this one is late * * *
Music Meme, Day 8: One band/singer whose popularity you will never understand.
Limp Bizkit • [Band Website] I know, some of you LIKE THEM... and that is OK, but this is not your weblog. I have heard ONE song by this group that I actually like, and right now I can't really recall which one it is. :) I'll come back and add the name of it when I do.
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Sunday, August 22, 2010
10:12 PM
Brought to you by:
Music Meme, Day 7: One band/singer SONG you’re ashamed to admit you like.*
I decided to change this one to a SONG I'm embarrassed to admit that I like, Of course, I don't even know why I let this one play, but I tend to leave it on any time it plays randomly. I have not deleted it from my MP3s... yet I am not sure why.
hahaha. What a Lame-O I am.
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
I decided to change this one to a SONG I'm embarrassed to admit that I like, Of course, I don't even know why I let this one play, but I tend to leave it on any time it plays randomly. I have not deleted it from my MP3s... yet I am not sure why.
O-Zone - Numa Numa
• [Notorious Video] that made this song known.hahaha. What a Lame-O I am.
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Saturday, August 21, 2010
10:22 AM
Brought to you by:
Music Meme, Day 6: Your favorite band
Again, there are just too many that I like. I guess I don't have favorite artists, or favorite bands on a solid. That is to say... my tastes, as I stated before, change. Frequently and without reason.
So, my choice, based on TODAY and my MOOD... is
I thought this meme would be a great deal of fun... and I am deciding (now) that I am just really effin' indecisive. Seriously. I cannot pick a single band / group that is my all time favorite. I have 24 days left of this meme, and I feel that I am failing quite miserably at it.
I ordered my song list in iTunes alphabetically by artist, set it to randomize, and hit the -> next button forty-one times. I selected forty-one, because in a week, that will be my age. So, that was not a complicated thing to decide on for me.
I did this to try to figure out what bands for which I have the largest number of songs. The largest song number by any particular band is Led Zeppelin... but then, a lot of that has to do with how many songs or albums the band has released, and that is not a great method for finding a favorite. (although I have always really liked Zeppelin).
Going back to the frequently played list, at the top (highest play count) are:
Blue October, Disturbed, Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Breaking Laces, and Nada Surf.
What I listen to is completely dependent on my mood. When I am in an aggressive, pissy, angry, or negative mood, bands like Disturbed fit the ticket. If I am in a mellow-ish mood, feeling a LITTLE bit on the low side, but not totally dumpish, Blue October works for me. When I want to sit around and think about my ex-girlfriend, J, John Mayer and Jack Johnson will be listened to. When I am feeling relatively happy, and want to sing along, I like Nada Surf, Breaking Laces and many many others.
I mean, with five thousand, nine hundred and seventy-eight songs... how can I possibly pick ONE song, or ONE band?
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Again, there are just too many that I like. I guess I don't have favorite artists, or favorite bands on a solid. That is to say... my tastes, as I stated before, change. Frequently and without reason.
So, my choice, based on TODAY and my MOOD... is
Blue October
• [Band Website]I thought this meme would be a great deal of fun... and I am deciding (now) that I am just really effin' indecisive. Seriously. I cannot pick a single band / group that is my all time favorite. I have 24 days left of this meme, and I feel that I am failing quite miserably at it.
I ordered my song list in iTunes alphabetically by artist, set it to randomize, and hit the -> next button forty-one times. I selected forty-one, because in a week, that will be my age. So, that was not a complicated thing to decide on for me.
I did this to try to figure out what bands for which I have the largest number of songs. The largest song number by any particular band is Led Zeppelin... but then, a lot of that has to do with how many songs or albums the band has released, and that is not a great method for finding a favorite. (although I have always really liked Zeppelin).
Going back to the frequently played list, at the top (highest play count) are:
Blue October, Disturbed, Jack Johnson, John Mayer, Breaking Laces, and Nada Surf.
What I listen to is completely dependent on my mood. When I am in an aggressive, pissy, angry, or negative mood, bands like Disturbed fit the ticket. If I am in a mellow-ish mood, feeling a LITTLE bit on the low side, but not totally dumpish, Blue October works for me. When I want to sit around and think about my ex-girlfriend, J, John Mayer and Jack Johnson will be listened to. When I am feeling relatively happy, and want to sing along, I like Nada Surf, Breaking Laces and many many others.
I mean, with five thousand, nine hundred and seventy-eight songs... how can I possibly pick ONE song, or ONE band?
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Friday, August 20, 2010
8:14 AM
Brought to you by:
Music Meme, Day 5: Your favorite female singer
I looked through my MP3s. I have very few female artist songs, comparatively. While I do have a lot of older female artists, I opted to select something a bit more current, as I listen to more current music than older music lately.
I selected Eva Cassidy, because of the artists on my computer, I have more of her music (number of songs per artist) and they have a higher play count than some of the others.
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Eva Cassidy
• [Artist Wiki page]I looked through my MP3s. I have very few female artist songs, comparatively. While I do have a lot of older female artists, I opted to select something a bit more current, as I listen to more current music than older music lately.
I selected Eva Cassidy, because of the artists on my computer, I have more of her music (number of songs per artist) and they have a higher play count than some of the others.
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Thursday, August 19, 2010
11:21 AM
Brought to you by:
Music Meme - Day 4: Favorite Male Artist
Now, a Question like this is just too hard to answer. I have a hard time picking a favorite artist, be it male or female. That changes from day to day with my mood.

Favorite of ALL TIME... again. (Perhaps this is not the best meme for me to try to do.)My favorites depend greatly on the personality (I have many, as some of you know) of the day.
So what I have done is selected a favorite for my current mood, and then gave mention to other artists whom I like more than others. those are not listed in any particular order below:
Day 4, Favorite Male Singer of the moment, anyway is Matthew Caws (Nada Surf)
I'm liking Nada Surf lately, or my mp3 player likes them and plays a LOT of them when set to random with all of the music I have loaded onto it.
Some of my other favorites include (but are not limited to):
Elvis | Willie Nelson | Paul Simon | Chris Cornell | Aaron Lewis (Staind) | Justin Furstenfeld (Blue October) | Rob Thomas (Matchbox 20) | Johnny Cash | John Lennon / Paul McCartney (The Beatles) | Sting | Alfalfa (because he had so much heart when he sang).
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Now, a Question like this is just too hard to answer. I have a hard time picking a favorite artist, be it male or female. That changes from day to day with my mood.

Favorite of ALL TIME... again. (Perhaps this is not the best meme for me to try to do.)My favorites depend greatly on the personality (I have many, as some of you know) of the day.
So what I have done is selected a favorite for my current mood, and then gave mention to other artists whom I like more than others. those are not listed in any particular order below:
Day 4, Favorite Male Singer of the moment, anyway is Matthew Caws (Nada Surf)
Nada Surf
• [band website]I'm liking Nada Surf lately, or my mp3 player likes them and plays a LOT of them when set to random with all of the music I have loaded onto it.
Some of my other favorites include (but are not limited to):
Elvis | Willie Nelson | Paul Simon | Chris Cornell | Aaron Lewis (Staind) | Justin Furstenfeld (Blue October) | Rob Thomas (Matchbox 20) | Johnny Cash | John Lennon / Paul McCartney (The Beatles) | Sting | Alfalfa (because he had so much heart when he sang).
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
12:28 AM
Brought to you by:
Music Meme - Day 3: A song that makes you dance
Wow. You know, I started thinking about this one at midnight when I was still waiting for the tiredness to arrive. I was unable to think of a single song that "gets me dancing". I looked through most of my the 4625 songs in my iTunes (on external storage I have over 5500 song collection), and I don't generally dance. It's never been something I've enjoyed.
I have thought about it a lot. I cannot think of a song to post. Some people think of Dance Track type music. Or at least one of the few songs that get my foot tapping or my thumbs drumming did not seem suitable to one of the people I talked to regarding my song selection.
The song I had thought of was Steeler's Wheel - Stuck in the Middle (With You). I am not sure why my friend didn't think it was a great answer, but I think maybe she was just thinking of a more current piece or maybe more of a dance track type song? Later she told me to use it, yet, by then (15 minutes later) that selection no longer appealed to me in the same way.
As for the "gets my feet tapping or thumbs drumming", there are so many songs that do. I was unable to select ONE. I am still unable to stay on "just one". Each of the ones I like (as in really like) to hear, is for a different reason, or is tied to a different memory that was a happy one. Many are tied to memories that are sad, (and those will be posted on another day, so I am not going to go into that now.)
So, with that, I will come back to this one and update this post once I decide on a song that makes me feel like dancin' (gonna dance the night away).
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Wow. You know, I started thinking about this one at midnight when I was still waiting for the tiredness to arrive. I was unable to think of a single song that "gets me dancing". I looked through most of my the 4625 songs in my iTunes (on external storage I have over 5500 song collection), and I don't generally dance. It's never been something I've enjoyed.
I have thought about it a lot. I cannot think of a song to post. Some people think of Dance Track type music. Or at least one of the few songs that get my foot tapping or my thumbs drumming did not seem suitable to one of the people I talked to regarding my song selection.
The song I had thought of was Steeler's Wheel - Stuck in the Middle (With You). I am not sure why my friend didn't think it was a great answer, but I think maybe she was just thinking of a more current piece or maybe more of a dance track type song? Later she told me to use it, yet, by then (15 minutes later) that selection no longer appealed to me in the same way.
As for the "gets my feet tapping or thumbs drumming", there are so many songs that do. I was unable to select ONE. I am still unable to stay on "just one". Each of the ones I like (as in really like) to hear, is for a different reason, or is tied to a different memory that was a happy one. Many are tied to memories that are sad, (and those will be posted on another day, so I am not going to go into that now.)
So, with that, I will come back to this one and update this post once I decide on a song that makes me feel like dancin' (gonna dance the night away).
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
11:09 AM
Brought to you by:
Music Meme, Day 2 - Song that Makes You Cry
My MP3 player is set to play songs at random. While that may seem like it is "completely random" it is kind of odd that mine almost seems to SENSE my mood, and play what I (need) / want to hear. An example of this would be that when I am unable to solve a problem, or when my attempts at helping a person are UNSUCCESSFUL (!) this song has played. I mean, on more than one occasion. And to make it even more bizarre, it has not played on any other days in the past year other than the few days that work has not gone so well.
Last year, this song played when J and I were going through our rough patch, a month before she left. As badly as I wanted to fix the problem, it wasn't something that could be fixed. I tend to take that type of thing very hard. Things I have little (or no) control over, things that cannot be prevented or fought... I still feel like I *could have* done more, and spend an abundance of time analyzing it and replaying the event in my mind to see where I went wrong.
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Cold Play - Fix You
My MP3 player is set to play songs at random. While that may seem like it is "completely random" it is kind of odd that mine almost seems to SENSE my mood, and play what I (need) / want to hear. An example of this would be that when I am unable to solve a problem, or when my attempts at helping a person are UNSUCCESSFUL (!) this song has played. I mean, on more than one occasion. And to make it even more bizarre, it has not played on any other days in the past year other than the few days that work has not gone so well.
Last year, this song played when J and I were going through our rough patch, a month before she left. As badly as I wanted to fix the problem, it wasn't something that could be fixed. I tend to take that type of thing very hard. Things I have little (or no) control over, things that cannot be prevented or fought... I still feel like I *could have* done more, and spend an abundance of time analyzing it and replaying the event in my mind to see where I went wrong.
[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]
Monday, August 16, 2010
3:33 PM
Brought to you by:
Music Meme, Day 1: Favorite Song
I saw this MEME via a Tweet by someone I just recently began talking to /online/. Oddly, I've read her weblog for many years, she lives in the same city, and we just never talked before this past week... I don't know where she found it, so I do not know who else to credit.
Anyway, I figured that since I am not dating any ladies, and therefore have nobody to write about, I would participate in this meme.
The Meme will last about a month, so you will get to hear read something new every day or so for about that long. Sometimes my job is so [emotionally/and or/physically] taxing that I may not get around to the daily post, but I will try my best. HERE GOES NOTHIN':
Day 1, Favorite Song
Favorite of ALL TIME? That is a tough question. With all the music out there that is available, I like so much of it. So, much like the person I stole this idea from... I am finding it hard to pick ONE 'favorite'. My music tastes are directly tied to my mood in that second as it passes. So this selection may be obsolete by the time I finish typing this post. I guess what I will do is go to my iTunes (which houses approximately 5,000 songs) and see which song has the highest play count #.
Favorite song - of the MOMENT...
This song reminds me of the devastation I felt at the time J left... While that may not make sense as far as picking a FAVORITE song -- I have to say that I like this song, and looking at my iTunes playlist count, it has been played more than any of the others... so it won the right to be selected.
This MEME consists of the following... I'll try to remember to come back here to strike the days I have posted.
Day 1: Your Favorite Song.
--: coming soon :--
Day 2: A song that makes you cry.
Day 3: A song that makes you dance.
Day 4: Your favorite male singer.
Day 5: Your favorite female singer.
Day 6: Your favorite band.
Day 7: One band/singer you’re ashamed to admit you like.
Day 8: One band/singer whose popularity you will never understand.
Day 9: A song that reminds you of an ex.
Day 10: A song that reminds you of your father.
Day 11: A song that reminds you of your mother.
Day 12: A song that makes you want to have sex.
Day 13: A song you sing in the shower.
Day 14: A song from the year you were born.
Day 15: A song you liked in high school.
Day 16: The first song in your mp3 folder.
Day 17: The last song in your mp3 folder.
Day 18: An instrumental song you like.
Day 19: Your favorite love song.
Day 20: Your favorite breakup song.
Day 21: A song that makes you want to break stuff.
Day 22: Your favorite song from a movie.
Day 23: Your favorite duet.
Day 24: Your favorite cover song.
Day 25: Your favorite song from 2010 (so far)
Day 26: Your favorite movie video.
Day 27: One song in your mp3 folder you’re pretty sure no one else has.
Day 28: One song that needs to never be played again.
Day 29: One song that gives you the creeps.
Day 30: A song you’d like played at your funeral.
I will also have to remember to link each of those posts back to this list.. let's hope my pointed brain cooperates!
I saw this MEME via a Tweet by someone I just recently began talking to /online/. Oddly, I've read her weblog for many years, she lives in the same city, and we just never talked before this past week... I don't know where she found it, so I do not know who else to credit.
Anyway, I figured that since I am not dating any ladies, and therefore have nobody to write about, I would participate in this meme.
The Meme will last about a month, so you will get to hear read something new every day or so for about that long. Sometimes my job is so [emotionally/and or/physically] taxing that I may not get around to the daily post, but I will try my best. HERE GOES NOTHIN':
Day 1, Favorite Song
Favorite of ALL TIME? That is a tough question. With all the music out there that is available, I like so much of it. So, much like the person I stole this idea from... I am finding it hard to pick ONE 'favorite'. My music tastes are directly tied to my mood in that second as it passes. So this selection may be obsolete by the time I finish typing this post. I guess what I will do is go to my iTunes (which houses approximately 5,000 songs) and see which song has the highest play count #.
Favorite song - of the MOMENT...
Breaking Benjamin - Breath
This song reminds me of the devastation I felt at the time J left... While that may not make sense as far as picking a FAVORITE song -- I have to say that I like this song, and looking at my iTunes playlist count, it has been played more than any of the others... so it won the right to be selected.
This MEME consists of the following... I'll try to remember to come back here to strike the days I have posted.
Day 1: Your Favorite Song.
--: coming soon :--
Day 2: A song that makes you cry.
Day 3: A song that makes you dance.
Day 4: Your favorite male singer.
Day 5: Your favorite female singer.
Day 6: Your favorite band.
Day 7: One band/singer you’re ashamed to admit you like.
Day 8: One band/singer whose popularity you will never understand.
Day 9: A song that reminds you of an ex.
Day 10: A song that reminds you of your father.
Day 11: A song that reminds you of your mother.
Day 12: A song that makes you want to have sex.
Day 13: A song you sing in the shower.
Day 14: A song from the year you were born.
Day 15: A song you liked in high school.
Day 16: The first song in your mp3 folder.
Day 17: The last song in your mp3 folder.
Day 18: An instrumental song you like.
Day 19: Your favorite love song.
Day 20: Your favorite breakup song.
Day 21: A song that makes you want to break stuff.
Day 22: Your favorite song from a movie.
Day 23: Your favorite duet.
Day 24: Your favorite cover song.
Day 25: Your favorite song from 2010 (so far)
Day 26: Your favorite movie video.
Day 27: One song in your mp3 folder you’re pretty sure no one else has.
Day 28: One song that needs to never be played again.
Day 29: One song that gives you the creeps.
Day 30: A song you’d like played at your funeral.
I will also have to remember to link each of those posts back to this list.. let's hope my pointed brain cooperates!
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Bert is Feelin'...

About Me

- Bert
- If you don't "get it" that's ok. My moods vary from light hearted and amused to darker and often stormy. I do not feel that medication is necessary for the majority of people for every day mood changes, but for some reason everyone I know seems to be on either Zoloft or Prozac. That sums up all that is wrong in the world.
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