Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Music Meme, Day 2 - Song that Makes You Cry

Cold Play - Fix You

My MP3 player is set to play songs at random. While that may seem like it is "completely random" it is kind of odd that mine almost seems to SENSE my mood, and play what I (need) / want to hear. An example of this would be that when I am unable to solve a problem, or when my attempts at helping a person are UNSUCCESSFUL (!) this song has played. I mean, on more than one occasion. And to make it even more bizarre, it has not played on any other days in the past year other than the few days that work has not gone so well.

Last year, this song played when J and I were going through our rough patch, a month before she left. As badly as I wanted to fix the problem, it wasn't something that could be fixed. I tend to take that type of thing very hard. Things I have little (or no) control over, things that cannot be prevented or fought... I still feel like I *could have* done more, and spend an abundance of time analyzing it and replaying the event in my mind to see where I went wrong.

[Meme, Day 1, with the entire list of assignments, can be found here.]


Lovely Rita said...

I'm going to go listen to this song. You have me curious.

Bert is Feelin'...


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If you don't "get it" that's ok. My moods vary from light hearted and amused to darker and often stormy. I do not feel that medication is necessary for the majority of people for every day mood changes, but for some reason everyone I know seems to be on either Zoloft or Prozac. That sums up all that is wrong in the world.
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