Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Rather than list 4,000 results for the Googlism of BERT, I thought I'd select one of each of the following:
Who is Bert?
- Bert is the bomb.
What is Bert?
- Bert is a mushy in your face red tiger cat.
Where is Bert?
- Bert is finally revealed.
Why is Bert __________? (fill in the blank with whatever adjective comes to mind)
- Bert is ___________, because someone said something nice about him: critic's review


Bert is Feelin'...


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If you don't "get it" that's ok. My moods vary from light hearted and amused to darker and often stormy. I do not feel that medication is necessary for the majority of people for every day mood changes, but for some reason everyone I know seems to be on either Zoloft or Prozac. That sums up all that is wrong in the world.
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